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COMING SOON on 2024/02/21

- Ensemble of Tokyo Live 2023 Autumn (Octavia Records)

- Ensemble of Tokyo Live 2022 Summer

- Oboenquartette Satoki Aoyama & Ensemble of Tokyo (Octavia Records)

- Bach: Oboenwerke (Meister Music)

- Mozart: Chamber Music for Oboe (Meister Music)

- Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante (Meister Music)

- Mozart & Haydn: Oboenkonzerte (Meister Music)

- Isang Yun: Double Concerto (Credia Korea)

- Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (EMI)

- Bach: Christmas Oratorio (Teldec)

- Bach: Christmas Oratorio (SEL)

- Schumann / Mozart: Recital for Oboe and Piano (Genuin Germany / Korea)

- Reinecke / Herzogenberg: Romantic Wind Trios (Genuin Korea)

- Beethoven: Harmoniemusik (Cryston)

- Bach: Cantatas for Bass & Oboe (Alm Records)


アンサンブル オブ トウキョウ Youtube.gif

2019.11.29 紀尾井ホール 

ルブラン:オーボエ協奏曲 第1番 二短調

アンサンブル of トウキョウ

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